Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy

Epilepsy Center. Kyrylivska St, 103, Kyiv, UKRAINE, 02000

Today 1

Week 35

Month 839

Dear friends, colleagues!

I hope that in such hectic times you are all healthy, feel good and do not lose optimism.

The public organization " UKRAINIAN LEAGUE AGAINST EPILEPSY " continues its work, despite the quarantine in connection with COVID-19. A number of webinars were held, which aroused great interest of the audience. This work will be continued this year, and if your interest continues, then in the coming years.
But, unfortunately, life makes adjustments to our plans with you.

The ILAE-EUROPE EEG and MRI training course, accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, was scheduled to take place on March 13-14, 2020. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, our distinguished speakers - Sándor Beniczky, Denmark and George Welmer, Germany - were unable to leave their countries. Since this event aroused very great interest among specialists, we do not plan to cancel it. The event will be postponed to 2021, if the epidemic situation allows, we will inform you about the dates additionally. After consulting with our distinguished speakers, we decided that holding this event online would be inappropriate and would not be able to replace live communication.

All information related to this and other ULAE activities will be posted on this site.

The XXIV ULAE conference with international participation "25 years of the Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy - the achievements of domestic epileptology," dedicated to the 80th birthday of the founder of the Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy was Muzychuk Lyudmila Eduardovna, was to be held on May 14-16 2020 in the city of Vinnitsia. For concise information about the history of our League and its founder, also look on our website.

For all known reasons, it was impossible to hold our annual conference on these dates. The conference is scheduled for October 29-31, 2020. And we plan to hold it under any circumstances, but the format will be decided in the future, depending on the epidemiological situation.

I ask all colleagues to register for all ULAE events in a timely manner. This allows for adequate planning. TThis is especially relevant now, when the planning any events is extremely difficult.

Registration for the XXIV ULEA conference "25 years of the Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy - the achievements of domestic epileptology" is possible on our website in the section "Future activities". I ask everyone to register and send the titles of both oral and poster presentations.

As in 2019, poster reports will be presented at a separate poster session in electronic form, and only those poster reports that were sent in advance will be included in the program.

"10th Migrating Course on Epilepsy" - "10th Migrating Course on Epilepsy", held by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and planned in Ukraine in Lviv on June 18-21, 2020, will be postponed to 2021. More exact dates will be announced later. This event is a leading European school, in which leading European epileptologists will take part as speakers, and we are doing everything possible and impossible to hold it in Ukraine in 2021.

We have done everything possible not to cancel our measures, but to postpone them. We will keep you informed of any changes that may occur due to the current situation.

I am also pleased to announce that the Office for Epilepsy in Ukraine, which was admitted to the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) as an associate member and will become a full member of the International Bureau for Epilepsy at the General Assembly in 2021, held on February 10. 2020 according to the IBE recommendation is the International Epilepsy Day in Kharkiv and Vinnytsia. Information about this event can be found on the website of the International Bureau of Epilepsy at, on our website at .ua / index.php/uk/novyny and on the RIMON Foundation website at I want to congratulate Olga Petrovna Mostova on this success. I remind you of Olga Petrovna's phone number and e-mail address - +380677680328, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I invite you all to take an active part in the work of the Bureau. For all questions, please contact Olga Petrovna.

I hope that the direction in which our professional organization is moving, you all think is right, and our joint work is useful.

We remind you that you have the opportunity to transfer annual contributions to ULAE to the ULAE account according to the following details - IBAN UA713206270000026001013066989 in PJSC "Sberbank", USREOU code 20062291. It is necessary to indicate IBAN from 2020.

Annual contributions can be made in UAH. At present, the amount of the contribution is 165 UAH, including the bank fee for money transfer. In the future, its correction is possible with significant fluctuations in the exchange rate.

For professionals wishing to become members of the Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy, I would like to inform you that at the general meeting of ULAE it was decided that admission to ULAE members is possible only at general meetings of ULAE members if there is a handwritten application only in the personal presence of the ULAE candidate.

We very much hope that the unique status for Ukraine, when ULAE members are provided with free accommodation at ULAE conferences at Ukrainian conferences, will be maintained in the future, but this requires timely registration and timely payment of membership fees. Unfortunately, we have to remind you about the automatic expulsion from ULAE members if you do not pay membership fees for more than 3 years. This will happen despite the quarantine.
Our site -, allows you to view periodicals and other information resources of the International Antiepileptic League - ILAE and the Commission on European Affairs of the World Antiepileptic League ILAE-Europe, which allows you to receive timely global information and news, as they say firsthand. Now the site has links to all the world's leading publications in our field - "Epilepsia", "Epilepsia Open", "Epileptic Disorders", "Epilepsy & Behavior", "Epilepsy Research", "Epigraph" and "Seizure". Moreover, the leading article of Seizure magazine will be annotated by the editor-in-chief and presented to our readers free of charge.

If you have any wishes or suggestions for improving the site, please report them to the ULAE address listed on the site.

We remind you that the video recording of the main reports of previous conferences of the Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy, educational schools and webinars and other materials can be found on this site. During quarantine we have extra time to review.

I wish everyone good health!

Sincerely yours, President of ULAE,
Andriy Dubenko
Phone +380913092321.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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