Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy

Epilepsy Center. Kyrylivska St, 103, Kyiv, UKRAINE, 02000

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Month 906

Susie 2020

SuSIE – School on Application and Interpretation of Imaging in Epilepsy and Epilepsy Surgery

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SuSIE – School on Application and Interpretation of Imaging in Epilepsy and Epilepsy Surgery

Structural and functional neuroimaging significantly gained importance in diagnosis and treatment of patients with epilepsy over the last decade. Modern epileptology and epilepsy surgery are unthinkable without imaging. Furthermore, many lines of research in clinical epilepsy and cognitive neurosciences rely on neuroimaging methods.

Since 2015, the SuSIE offers state-of-the-art lectures and hands-on-training on the topics:

  • Finding Epileptogenic Lesions (Visual MRI Analysis and MRI Postprocessing)
  • Functional Imaging (PET, SPECT, fMRI, Connectivity Analysis, EEG/MEG Source Analysis)
  • Language lateralization and localization
  • Decision Making in Pediatric and Adult Epilepsy Surgery after non-invasive and invasive presurgical work-up SEEG planning and interpretation

Course evaluations have been excellent throughout the years. In addition, the SuSIE is a place of intense communication, networking and exchange of experience between beginners and experienced colleagues from all over the world. In 2019, we had participants from 25 countries in 5 continents. Join the 6th edition of our Summer School!

Special SuSIE Highlights

At this year’s SuSIE we have the pleasure and honor to present two well reputed key note speakers:

  • Prof. Alexander RadbruchWednesday, 16.9.2020, 19:00h: Prof. Alexander Radbruch, Neuroradiologist, Essen, Germany, is going to give a talk on one of the hottest current topics in imaging: “How AI changes everything in radiology!?“.
  • Prof. Helen CrossThursday, 17.9.2020, 19:00h: Prof. Helen Cross, Chair of Childhood Epilepsy and Head of the Developmental Neuroscience Programme at UCL-Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, is going to present a talk on “The earlier – the better? Epilepsy Surgery in Children”.

The Dinner with key note lecture is included in the SuSIE fee, but AMIE-participants and guests are welcome, too (50€ per person)

Combine AMIE & SuSIE

In contrast to the SuSIE which focuses on teaching, the AMIE (Annual meeting on Imaging in Epilepsy, Epilepsy Surgery, Epilepsy Research and Cognitive Neurosciences,) which takes place in the two days before the SuSIE (14.-16.9.2020) at the same hotel is a scientific and sponsor orientated event. The AMIE offers:

  • numerous scientific workshops (see AMIE & SuSIE program),
  • an exhibition of commercial providers of imaging solutions, EEG/MEG hard- and software, and equipment for stereotactic neurosurgery as well as
  • hands-on application workshops by companies offering products around structural and functional neuroimaging and stereotactic neurosurgery.

Whereas the SuSIE is built as a complete event, workshops at the AMIE can be booked individually.

AMIE 2020


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Structural and functional neuroimaging and methods derived or relying on it continuously gain relevance for clinicians and scientists. They are applied for a multitude of indications from clinical diagnosis and revealing pathomechanisms of diseases via neurosurgical interventions to cognitive neuroscience. Artificial Intelligence solutions open new dimensions in data evaluation and interpretation.

The AMIE is a unique multidisciplinary forum that invites all individuals with an interest in:

  • development,
  • application,
  • processing and
  • interpretation

of neuroimaging. Unlike congresses of thematic societies, the AMIE does not focus on results of examinations and studies but on the underlying technical aspects. Meet people applying the same methods as you from another perspective and learn from their experience. The indication epilepsy stands in the center but people working in other neurological areas are invited, too.

Several industrial partners have been joining us* for up to 5 years now, acknowledging that our meeting, more than classical congresses, offers an excellent opportunity to introduce users to their products by hands-on workshops.

* 2015-2019 SuSIE, since 2020 AMIE & SuSIE

The following program will be offered at the 2020 AMIE (September 14-16, 2020):

  • Interdisciplinary scientific workshops on
    • MR-Physics
    • MR-volumetry and -morphometry
    • Artificial Intelligence in MRI Evaluation
    • Structural and functional connectivity analysis
    • EEG/MEG Source Analysis in Epileptology and Cognitive Neuroscience
    • Micro-wire recordings from depth electrodes
    • Simulation-based Approaches in Epilepsy Surgery
    • Imaging Guided Stereotactic Neurosurgery: stereo-EEG, neuronavigation, coagulation (RFTC, Laser, Radiosurgery)
    • Surgical planning including AR/VR
    • Telemedicine in clinical Neurology/Neurosurgery and Neurosciences
  • Exhibition of commercial providers of imaging solutions, EEG/MEG hard- and software, and equipment for stereotactic neurosurgery.
  • Hands-on application workshops by companies offering products around structural and functional neuroimaging and stereotactic neurosurgery.

10th EPODES Advanced II course

January 2020 in Brno, Czech Republic

10th EPODES Advanced II course

2019 09 17 Announcement EPODES20 1 sm

Dear representatives of ILAE-Europe chapter,

I'm writing to you on behalf of Organizing Committee of EPODES courses.

Thank to the generous endorsement of ILAE organization, we are organizing a 10th EPODES Advanced II course that will take place in January 2020 in Brno, Czech Republic.

We would truly appreciate if you could spread the information among your colleagues and potential applicants in your country.

The deadline for applications is 30th September 2019!


You can also find all the necessary information on the website

EMEC Logos Oct 2018

5TH EMEC 2019

5TH EMEC 2019

1 week left to submit an abstract!
There is 1 week left to submit an abstract for the 5th EMEC 2019 and to join the discussion among researchers and practitioners, from the region and beyond, to shape the future of epilepsy care.
​Full information is available on the congress website.
​​Submission deadline: 22 November 2018

Thursday 28 February – Saturday 2nd March 2019 

 MRI Unit, Chalfont Centre, Chalfont St Peter, UK, SL9 0RJ

3rd ILAE British Branch Epilepsy Neuroimaging Course

Event: 3rd ILAE British Branch Epilepsy Neuroimaging Course
Dates: Thursday 28 February – Saturday 2nd March 2019
Venue: MRI Unit, Chalfont Centre, Chalfont St Peter, UK, SL9 0RJ

Registration fees
Early bird registration rate (deadline Friday, 21st December 2018)
Consultant: £460
Radiographers, PhD/MSc students, SpR, SHO, Nurses: £360
Standard registration rate (available from Saturday, 22nd December 2018)
Consultant: £510
Radiographers, PhD/MSc students, SpR, SHO, Nurses: £410
Accommodation is not included in the ticket price

The ILAE British Branch Epilepsy Neuroimaging Course was successfully launched in March 2017 and is now in its third year. Open to all healthcare professionals and affiliates and MSc/PhD students, the 3-day course aims to provide both an overview and a solid foundation in state-of-the-art MRI and PET scanning in epilepsy. 
The course will:
Consist of lectures and small-group tutorials given by experienced MRI- and PET-clinicians / researchers
Cover aspects of structural and functional MRI acquisition and analysis
Train participants on real patients’ data in hands-on laboratory exercises.
On completion of the course, the participants will be able to:
Employ MRI and PET to influence the clinical management of patients with epilepsy
Select appropriate MRI sequences, and distinguish clinical and MR features of different etiologies
Understand the role of advanced MRI and PET-MR acquisition and post-processing analysis methods.
For further information, the programme and to register, visit our website
And if there are any queries about the course then feel free to contact us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


March 8 -10, 2019
(Friday thru Sunday)
at New Delhi Municipal Council
Convention Centre, Lutyen’s
Delhi, Parliament Street,
New Delhi-110001, India.
20th Joint Annual Conference of Indian Epilepsy Society and Indian Epilepsy Association

It gives us great pleasure to invite you for the 20th Joint Annual Conference of Indian Epilepsy Society and Indian Epilepsy Association will be organised from March 8 -10, 2019 (Friday thru Sunday) at New Delhi Municipal Council Convention Centre, Lutyen’s Delhi, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001, India.

ECON 2019 commits to enhance the content and scientific knowledge to deliver an overwhelming enriching experience to the delegates. Internationally renowned faculty shall be available for scientific deliberations and various platforms of social interactions. The Conference aims to bring together researchers and medical professionals from across the country to interact and forge new relationships.

The meeting will be a scientific blend of collaboration between the Neurologists and Neurosurgeons from all over the country. You will meet stalwarts in their fields who would love to share their professional work, research and academic & clinical experience as well as offer professional and personal insights to further understand the issues involved in the service delivery system. From these standards the meeting shall provide intellectual space for all – “the student to the experts” as well as the delegates.

We are looking forward to host you in the conference and hopefully it will be an academically as well as socially an enriching experience.

2019 РОКУ

Ayutthaya, Thailand,
16–20 June 2019
XV Workshop on Neurobiology of Epilepsy WONOEP 2019

The main topic of WONOEP XV is WHAT IS A SEIZURE?

WONOEP XV is a satellite event of the 33rd International Epilepsy Congress. The overall purpose of WONOEP XV will be to discuss working definitions and classification schemes for epileptic seizures across the lifespan, improve methods of seizure recognition, detection, and classification and facilitate translation across species.
Applicants should submit abstracts of their work that addresses the following session themes:

Session A: What is a focal onset seizure?
Session B: What is generalized onset seizure?
Session C: What is seizure in an immature rodent?
Session D: What is the borderland between epileptic events and non-epileptic events?

A maximum of 40 abstracts strictly related to the main topic will be selected. Successful authors will be invited to WONOEP after 1 JANUARY 2019. 
Abstracts should be 300 words or less.
Please submit your abstract through our online submission system by 18 NOVEMBER 2018. ​

For more information regarding WONOEP, abstract submission guidelines, registration and deadlines please visit the 33IEC congress website.​

WONOEP 2019 is organized by the WONOEP Task Force of the ILAE Neurobiology Commission and the Neurobiology Commission of the ILAE. 
For WONOEP queries please contact Dr. Ozlem Akman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

From the NIH about Epilepsy

Dear Epilepsy Community,

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently reconvened the Epilepsy Seizures and Syndromes Common Data Elements (CDE) Working Group (WG) to revise two Epilepsy CDE classification documents (see below to access). These documents are now available on the NINDS CDE website from June 30 – July 31, 2018 for feedback from the larger Epilepsy research and practice community. We hope you will take the time to review the updated classification documents and provide your comments prior to the general release.

To access and review the CDE recommendations under public review, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the following page for the public review zip file:
  2. Find the zip file containing the Public Review package on the Epilepsy CDE front page, entitled “Epilepsy CDE Classification Public Review.”
  3. Download and unzip the zip file.
  4. Read the “00_Public_Review_Instructions_EpilepsyUpdate.pdf” first for an introduction and tips on how to conduct the review and submit your comments.
  5. The unzipped Pre-release Public Review Package also contains the Seizures & Syndromes WG and Epilepsy CDE Oversight Committee rosters and the two revised documents for review:
    1. Classification of Seizures
    2. Classification of Etiology

We look forward to your feedback and ask you to please submit your comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by July 31, 2018.

We hope that you will share this announcement with your colleagues and encourage them to provide feedback as well. Thank you for your time.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

August 25th to 28th 2019

in Bochum, Germany

SuSIE – Summer School on Imaging in Epilepsy, Epilepsy Surgery and Epilepsy Research

We thank everybody who made the SuSIE 2018 a very successful event again: faculty, participants, scientists, and partners. Please find pictures of the SuSIE 2018 here: Impressions SuSIE 2018.

The SuSIE 2019 will take place from August 25th to 28th in Bochum, Germany. The structure remains unchanged with 15 lectures and 16 workshops that form the educational core of the event, surrounded by scientific workshops and opportunities to meet with providers of imaging solutions.

This meeting of users, developers and providers of imaging solutions around the indications epilepsy, epilepsy surgery, and epilepsy research in numerous formats (workshopsapplication trainingsSuSIE-ForumSuSIE-brain suiteexhibition,SuSIE symposium and SuSIE market space) makes the SuSIE a unique event.

The 2019 SuSIE key note lecture will be held by Prof. Sandor Beniczky, Dianalund and Aarhus, Denmark, on the topic “How computed EEG and MEG analysis change(d) the concept of epilepsy and the presurgical evaluation”.


  • Epilepsy specific application of MRI
  • Automated MRI evaluation
  • Interictal and ictal electrical source imaging, magnetic source imaging
  • Multimodal imaging and transfer of data into neuronavigation and stereotaxy
  • Minimal invasive epilepsy surgery
  • Tele-medicine solutions in epileptology


  • Participants can register for the SuSIE 2019 from January 2019 on the registration page.
  • Suggestions for scientific work-shops can be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • If you are interested to participate as a partner contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., too.
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